
Melissa’s services are unique to There for You Editing, and you will find she goes above and beyond what you might expect in order to make your work the absolute best it can be.  There for You Editing Services offers high quality editing at an affordable price. 

Editing of a manuscript includes:

• Spelling
• Grammar
• Capitalization
• Word usage and repetition
• Dialogue tags
• Usage of numbers or numerals
• POV/tense (to fix any unintentional shifts)
• Descriptive inconsistencies (character descriptions, locations, blocking, etc.)


What is the usual turnaround time on an edit?

While I cannot give you an exact day I will be finished with the edit, I can give you an estimate. I work as quickly as I can, but I want to be thorough; it is important to me that your work be the best it can be. On average, it is approximately two weeks for a full edit. The two week time estimate may fluctuate depending on length and depth of work that is needed. Also, the time frame is from when I start working on it, not necessarily from when it is received. I will try to give you an estimated date of completion after you send your manuscript. If you need it by a certain date, please let me know immediately so that we can let you know if we will be able to have it done by then. 

After the edit, can I contact you if I don’t understand the corrections?

I like to keep in contact with my clients. In fact, many of my clients are repeat clients or word-of-mouth, therefore I am more than willing to discuss any questions/concerns you might have. I usually try to explain why a correction should be made, and make suggestions for other words or different phrases if it becomes repetitive. I never take away the voice of you, the writer, or make major changes to the work. 

What types of writing do you accept?

I accept fiction, romance, nonfiction, children’s books, and most other genres. I accept Indie, self-published, and traditionally published works. Please do not hesitate to ask if your book would be a good “fit”.

What is your current cost for an edit? 

At this time, the rate for one round is $.008 per word. You have the option to do two rounds for $.012 per word.