Posted in Headaches, Health, Life in your forties, Migraine, Natural remedies


I suffer from multiple different headaches, and from migraines. I’ve taken so much Advil I’ve ruined my stomach lining and have ulcers.

Recently, I tried searching for natural remedies. Below is a recipe I created that, shockingly, worked!


A headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.Migraine headaches are sometimes preceded by warning symptoms. Triggers include hormonal changes, certain foods and drinks, stress, and exercise.

Very common. More than 3 million US cases per year. Treatable by a medical professional. Usually self-diagnosable. Lab tests or imaging rarely required. Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong

For everyone who was interested, here’s my headache/migraine recipe:

•4tsp ginger
•4tsp turmeric
•2tsp cinnamon
•2tbsp raw sugar

I combined all of the dry ingredients together in a Mason jar. Then, I add it to either Lavender tea
((Amazon: or just hot water. So tasty.

The turmeric is anti-inflammatory, ginger will soothe an upset tummy, cinnamon also is anti-inflammatory and has antioxidants, and lavender tea is calming.

Posted in Facial Care, Health, Life in your forties

Facial Care

Well, as I’d mentioned in a previous post, I’ve hit my forties. Just this year I started noticing wrinkles on my forehead. I’m not going to lie, I freaked out. I’ve always been told I look far younger than my age, but … wrinkles?! I suddenly felt ninety. So, I did some research of the importance of facial care.

The face is one of the first things that people notice about us. Most of the time, the age-old saying is true; that “first impressions last.” A lot of things in life could be affected by how we make an impression.

Facial skin is incredibly sensitive and can wrinkle easily, especially when summers are spent at the beach in the sun playing in the sand and winters are spent freezing in the snow and ice.

“If you haven’t been consistent with anti-aging products in your 30s, it’s time to embrace a routine in your 40s,” advises Jennifer Herrmann, MD, FAA, of MFC Dermatology.

According to Herrmann, not adhering to a routine is the number one skincare you mistake can make. “Consistency is important because it takes time for products to work and benefits build,” she explains. “But keep it simple! If you choose too many products, it’s easy to lose interest and fall back to old habits.”

Proper skin care helps to keep our outermost surface layer of skin intact. This layer maintains skin’s overall hydration and serves as our primary defense against the environment, so keeping it strong and healthy is critical. Harsh cleansers, for example, can damage the outer layer by stripping essential lipids and moisture. Using a proper skin care regimen daily can help preserve this important protective layer.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD

Cardiology (Cardiovascular Disease)

So after some trial and error of my own, I found two amazing products. The first is Rose Water Facial Toner by Leven Rose, Pure Natural Moroccan Rosewater. I’m a big “review” girl, they’re important to me. So I was impressed to find it had 2,450 reviews and a 4.5 star average. And it smells amazing!

The second is ToLB Retinol Serum – Clinical Strength Retinol Serum. This product has 3,025 reviews and a 4.5 star average. I’ve been using it for almost a month and definitely see a difference. Especially on the wrinkles on my forehead!

Well, I hope this has been a helpful post for you.

Until later!